MSI has been established to provide quality, independent 3rd party technical surveys of all types of drilling rigs and associated equipment to a level that will prove that our clients have shown adequate commitment to due diligence

MSI works to limit downtime and increase savings by improving your drilling programs' reliability, safety, and environmental impact

Drawing on our vast experience and wide range of combined services, we can provide an effective and comprehensive suite of onshore and offshore technical surveys and inspections

Our services encompass various levels of complexity and durations to suit any client’s specific requirements. We also have extensive experience with various types of Desktop reviews and services as well as providing Remote Inspection Services

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MSI can provide comprehensive Rig Intake Services to cover all aspects of Inspection, Rig Pre-Selection, Final Acceptance, Regulatory Compliance, Crew Competency, Safety Awareness, and Asset Management systems. It is most suitable for high-risk projects in areas of high regulatory oversight and where an Operator requires a high level of assurance

This service is more detailed and extensive than just a standard Rig Acceptance program and covers all aspects of selecting the right rig for the intended operation and is designed to show that adequate due diligence has been conducted by the Operator Where suitable, a shorter less complex service is our popular Operational Readiness survey

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When you plan to preserve your asset, you must also consider the reactivation plan, as the mode of preservation will affect the ease of reactivation

MSI can provide 3rd party oversight for Preservation or Reactivation services for Owners or Operators and also advise on solutions focused on your concerns and improve the chance of success of your project. We can provide proven preservation procedures, plans, and schedules which will also take into consideration the reactivation requirements

If you are planning to reactivate and you do not have a plan, then we can assist with this as well

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MSI has been established to provide quality, independent 3rd party technical surveys of all types of drilling rigs and associated equipment to a level that will prove that our clients have shown adequate commitment to due diligence


MSI works to limit downtime and increase savings by improving your drilling programs' reliability, safety, and environmental impact

Drawing on our vast experience and wide range of combined services, we can provide an effective and comprehensive suite of onshore and offshore technical surveys and inspections

Our services encompass various levels of complexity and durations to suit any client’s specific requirements. We also have extensive experience with various types of Desktop reviews and services as well as providing Remote Inspection Services

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MSI can provide comprehensive Rig Intake Services to cover all aspects of Inspection, Rig Pre-Selection, Final Acceptance, Regulatory Compliance, Crew Competency, Safety Awareness, and Asset Management systems. It is most suitable for high-risk projects in areas of high regulatory oversight and where an Operator requires a high level of assurance

This service is more detailed and extensive than just a standard Rig Acceptance program and covers all aspects of selecting the right rig for the intended operation and is designed to show that adequate due diligence has been conducted by the Operator Where suitable, a shorter less complex service is our popular Operational Readiness survey

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When you plan to preserve your asset, you must also consider the reactivation plan, as the mode of preservation will affect the ease of reactivation

MSI can provide 3rd party oversight for Preservation or Reactivation services for Owners or Operators and also advise on solutions focused on your concerns and improve the chance of success of your project. We can provide proven preservation procedures, plans, and schedules which will also take into consideration the reactivation requirements

If you are planning to reactivate and you do not have a plan, then we can assist with this as well

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